“A man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife”.
From the beginning of time when God created human beings, He made this law, when God said this in the beginning, Adam and Eve were the only human beings in the world.
Sometimes it could be a man physically leaving his father and mother and living in another home with his wife, other times it could mean husband and wife giving first priorities to each other.
Every family have different situation and different conditions, the whole point in this verse is to value marriage priorities. They are not to be controlled by their father and mother, they are to have freedom, and the freedom to have a beautiful marriage life.
Couples in a family:
It could be because of finances, home, or any other condition that people live together as a joint family in a home, they are supposed to have full freedom in the home.
They are to make their own choices as a couple, freedom to manage finances as a couple, freedom to make decisions as a couple, freedom to decide how and where to bring up their children, freedom to choose their own jobs and works, freedom to do whatever they want, freedom to live however they want as a couple.
Freedom to enjoy the home as a couple without being critique, without gossip, without control, without any kinds of harm, and without any kind of hurt, giving full freedom as adult couples.
They are not to be controlled, they are adult couples. They must have full freedom to enjoy life in the home, as well as freedom to enjoy their marriage life.
“A man will leave his father and mother, and be united to his wife” (Gen 2:24)
– David Chawngthu
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