Friday, April 15, 2016

8 Signs of Servant Leadership

First of all, Servant Leadership is important for all leaders and believers of Christ. In other words, Servant Leadership could be “Godly Leadership, Godly Authority, or Kingdom Leadership”, for servant leadership is the leadership style of Jesus, and the leadership style for the Kingdom of God.

Jesus said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant”. (Matt 20:25-26)

This 2 verses are highly related with Leadership and Authorities. If you recognize what Jesus said in this verse, “Not so with you”, by which Jesus mean, “That’s not the way to do”, “You must not do it that way, and this is the way to do”. So, if Jesus taught us how to rule, and if we are not to rule as the rulers of the Gentiles do, “What would be a servant ruler?”, we will be writing on that.

Even if we look at the world and history, both Christians and non Christians, those who exercise servant leadership are often called good rulers or great leaders, but those who don’t exercise servant leaderships were often called one of the worst terrible rulers in the world history. Therefore the leadership principles that Jesus taught us is a great principle for leadership and people in authority.

Here are 8 signs of Servant Leadership:

1. Servant leaders doesn’t look for positions and titles: Unless for a purpose, to set things right, to make a Godly Government, to set people free from oppressions, slavery, or other purposes of God, servant leaders are not after titles or positions.

2. Servant leaders are not competitive with others.

3. Servant leaders admit it when they are wrong: Servant leaders don’t need to be always right, they are not perfectionist, they may sometimes even ask forgiveness to you when they are wrong.

4. Servant leaders value others: Servant leaders know that their leadership is to serve others, and their authority to serve others, not to mistreat or oppress people. They will not want to use their authority to oppress people or despise others. They are not the type of people who mock or despise anyone, to what we would call the least and the last.

There are times we need to use our authority strongly to set people free, to give liberty to people, just as Abraham Lincoln did. Abraham Lincoln was one of a good example for servant leadership, he got a desire to set people free who were abused, mistreated, oppressed, and in slavery.

5. Servant leaders are personable and approachable: When you need to talk to them or need to meet them, unless there are other cases, servant leaders are personable and approachable. Generally, most servant leaders you can call them friends.

Jesus said to His disciples, “I no more called you servants, I have called you friends”. (John 15:15)

6. Servant leaders are not legalistic: In the presence of servant leaders you can be who you are, they do not really care about what type of clothes you wear, your earrings, the designings, your hairstyles, and other unnecessary legalistic things. They often will not judge you by mere appearances.

7. Servant leaders are not judgmentals: In the presence of servant leaders, it doesn’t matter what color you are, black, white, brown or red, you can be who you are. It doesn’t matter what degree you have or not have, what positions you hold or not hold, what’s your background, what’s your past, where you came from, rich or poor, what’s your age, young or old,  what you wear, you can freely be who you are, for they are not judgmental.

8. Servant leaders value the Lordship of Christ: Servant leaders highly value the Lordship of Christ, and His will being done on this earth.

– David Chawngthu

Foundation on Leadership and Authorities

The Lordship of Christ is the foundation for all leadership and authorities. There are no other foundations than the Lordship of Christ.

Two types of Authority Offices:

1. There are Authority offices on earth that are not established by God:

Some examples are –

– Human trafficking leadership teams,
– Some cultural systems,
– Some cultural family systems, (Eg. Step parents who thought they got Authority over their step children’s inheritances. Pro 23:10)
– Fathers, mothers, father and mother in laws, that thought they still got God given authority upon their married children,
– President in a Red light Area,
– Many religious offices around the world,
– Leadership offices in gangs,

All these authority offices above are not established by God, usually they are of the devil.

2. There are also Authority offices that are established by God but ruled by evil rulers:

Some examples are –

– Prime Minister of a country,
– President of a country,
– Some adulterous Father or a lost father in a family,
– Ministers of a country,
– Teachers in schools (Teachers in Schools do not have any rights before the Lord to punish their children in any form of ways, God has not given them any single authority to punish children).
– Abusive Fathers and mothers,

The offices may be established by God, but the people in the positions may not necessarily be by God. These offices may be established by God but ruled by evil rulers.

You will find today that many countries around the world are ruled by evil rulers, adulterous fathers, abusive principals and teachers.

Secrets to Apostolic Servanthood:

Apostles are often known for their humbleness. The secret of their humbleness is the Lordship of Christ. Apostles are people who valued the Lordship of Christ, that in turn gives them humbleness in their lives, in the way they treat others, in the way they lead others, and in their authorities.

Some Apostolic Bible verses –

At the name of Jesus every knee in heaven and on earth and under the earth should bow, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Phi 2:11)

Jesus said, “All Authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me”. (Matt 28:18)

Unless you know the Lordship of Christ in your heart, you can’t have humbleness. Humbleness comes from knowing the Lordship of Christ. If you are in leadership or in authority, declare His Lordship, His Sovereignty, His Supremacy in your prayers, personal prayers, in your declarations and proclamations, that will give you Godly humbleness and Godly Authority.

When leaders and people in authority often quote this verse, declaring and proclaiming the Lordship of Christ, bowing down before Him, we can somehow guarantee that they also have a servanthood in their lives.

If you are in leadership or in authority, valuing the Lordship of Christ will give you Godly humbleness, servanthood, Godly Leadership and Godly Authority.

The Lordship of Christ is the Foundation:

Valuing the Lordship of Christ will bring humbleness and Apostolic Servanthood. The Lordship of Christ is the foundation for all Leadership and Authorities.

No matter what type of Leadership or Authority in this world, there is no other foundation than the Lordship of Christ for Leadership and Authority.

No matter what type of Leadership, no matter which country, no matter which part of the world, wherever the Lordship of Christ is not valued, the people will suffer more.

Valuing the Lordship of Christ is essential for all believers of Christ, whether individuals, family, ministries, church, or work place. Christ is the head of all.

The Lordship of Christ is the foundation for all leadership and authorities. There are no other foundations than the Lordship of Christ.

– David Chawngthu

Governmental Anointing

If we read Proverbs chapter 8 in context, we can find that it is Wisdom speaking, verse 12 says “I WISDOM”, therefore it is Wisdom speaking about herself, who she is. So we can put it this way –

“By Wisdom kings reign,
And rulers make laws that are just.
By wisdom princes govern,
And all nobles who rule (all who rule Godly ruling)”,

(Proverbs 8:15-16)

Joseph’s Wisdom and Discernment:

Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has made all this known to you, THERE IS NO ONE SO DISCERNING AND WISE AS YOU. YOU SHALL BE INCHARGE OF MY PALACE, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.”

So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.”

(Gen 41:39-41)

Pharoah noticed the wisdom and discernment of Joseph and put him in charge of the whole country, and all the people to submit to his orders.

King Solomon’s Wisdom and Discernment:

There are some main gifts that the Governmental Anointing carries that we find in the Bible. King Solomon was one of the person that God greatly gave the Governmental anointing, Governmental anointing carries gift of wisdom and discernment.

You have asked for yourself wisdom and knowledge that you may rule My people over whom I have made you king, wisdom and knowledge have been granted to you. (2 Chro 1:11-12)

Behold, I have given you a wise and discerning heart (to govern) (1 Kings 3:12)

Now God gave Solomon wisdom and very great discernment and breadth of mind (1 Kings 4:29)

Solomon spoke 3,000 proverbs, and his songs were 1,005. ( 1 Kings 4:32)

– David Chawngthu

Team Dynamic – 4 stages of team development

This 4 stages are one helpful tools for developing teams. I have taught this in “Discipleship Training School” for around 2 days, while my family were working in one organization, Discipling the nations. So, it’s quiet interesting to know where our teams are, whether we are outreach team, worship team, business team work or other team works, or any other kinds of team works, even useful for marriage life, teams or groups in our relationship stages.

4 Stages of Team Development:

1. Forming (Stage 1): (Don’t start with deep things),

What should we do?
=> Do alot of team buildings, games, fun, picnic, outing together in restaurants, having feast together, knowing each others gifts, talents, spiritual or motivational gifts, favorite colors, share hobbies, have fun and enjoy, etc..

Including goals and expectations as a team.

2. Storming (Stage 2): Now you have become more closer and know each others more clearly. The next stage would be a time of conflicts, where arguments, conflicts, hurts, pains and storms could come out of one another in the team or groups. Sometimes it might take time rubbing one another. Lets put it this way, I think this verse might match this stage 2 in some ways ” An Iron sharpens Iron” Proverbs 27:17.

What should we do?

– Discuss things with openess,
– Confronting one another
– Share to one another with transparency,
– Share risky issues,
– Don’t press down people
– Handle conflict positively
– Consider different options if necessary

3. Norming (Stage 3):

– Ability to discuss issues positively
– Mutual respect, trust and value for each others
– Lots of questions
– Plans, agendas, ways of doing things get better

How should we continue?

– Regular team reviews – feedback, evaluations, etc.
– Encourage openess
– Celebrate success

4. Functioning (Stage 4):

– Problem solving is matured
– Committed

(Note: The 4 stages and many points above are taken from other speakers and teachers).

According to my experiences, I believe the gap between the stages, going from stage 1 to 2, from stage 2 to 3, 3 to 4 and so on could differ depending on different situations, conditions or types of teams. Business workers might differ a bit again since they need to spend much of their times in business works, so is with different types of other works. Some committee teams that met once in a while might take longer than evangelical teams that often met each others and travel together or depending on other different situations, anyway the point here is just to know where the teams are at and developing the team relationship for a better working together.

Sometimes these 4 stages might revolve around (go around again), but usually it might be much better in solving problems cause you have already had a good relationship before, sometimes conflicts can built a better relationship than before. But conflicts are good to be solved as quick as possible, for a small match stick or candle can burn the whole house, learning to confront one another is also important when necessary, with openness, if possible between the two, and sometimes it might take time to discuss things and takes time to go through the processes.

Correct, rebuke and encourage (2 Tim 4:2) , confront one another.

A true relationship does not always mean you all look so good, a true relationship is where you can confront one another, rebuke one another, correct one another, encourage one another, see and speak the good things in others, and enjoy life with one another.

– David Chawngthu

What is Vision?

‘Vision animates, inspires, transforms purpose into action.’ – Warren Bennis

There is a famous quote that says, “Vision is not taught it is captured”, this is because vision is about people, it is capturing the heart of God. If any ministry is build without vision, it will probably be build through someone’s ambitious will rather than by the will of God and for the Advancement of the Kingdom. Even the structures of your ministry will come according to the vision God gave you.

Here are some other definitions and characters of visions we would love to give –

– Vision is seeing the world with the perspective of God,
– Vision is the ability to see the plans and wills of God.
– Vision is capturing the heart of God,
– Vision is Prophetic by nature,
– Vision is Apostolic by nature,
– Vision builds faith, courage, and boldness,
– Vision can take you beyond any challenge,
– Vision can capture the whole of your being,
– Vision is the ability to sacrifice what you would keep for yourself,
– Vision is sacrificial,
– Vision is inspiring and motivating,
– People with movements are people of visions,
– Visions serve the purposes of God,
– Visions with actions are what Advance the Kingdom of God,
– Pioneering leaders are people of visions,
– Vision must be the leading source of any ministry and organizations,
– People with visions build the Kingdom of God,

Mission and Visions:

Missions (Purpose) and Visions are the most important part of any ministry, both Mission and Visions can be imparted, Mission is the highlighted purpose, and there can be several visions in one mission (purpose) especially for visionaries. As Warren Bennis puts it, “Vision animates, inspires, transforms purpose into action”. And visions are what Advance the Kingdom of God.

It is important to work with people of the same Mission, same vision (vision is captured, visions can be imparted), same heart, not with people who would fight over your mission and vision, because vision is the most important thing of any ministry. Vision must be the central point of any Ministry, where all other activities are spread out.

Be careful not to work with people who would often fight over your vision, that person might need to leave your ministry, at the same time vision can be imparted and captured, people can be equipped, vision can be imparted through several ways, through seeing, through revelational preaching and teaching, equipping, practical actions, revelations from God, and Hearing the voice of God. Vision is like a driving force of a ministry and organizations, vision must be the food we eat in a ministry, and everything must revolve around the vision.

Both Mission (Purpose) and vision must be often shared, speak about, preach and teach, talked about, dream about, and be discussed in a ministry. People with vision or visionaries often shared about their visions naturally, it’s the food they eat, they dream, they think, they teach, they preach, they get revelations, their visions are what they speak about even while making friendships; we could say that 90% to 95% are what they speak about, everywhere they go they carry that vision including the mission (purpose) and often speak about them, especially their visions, because God has put them in their hearts. Even the structures of your ministries must come according to your visions God gave you. If a ministry structure is not build upon the revelations from the vision, it will lack it’s vision, and can become a ministry without vision.

Both Mission (purpose) and Visions can be imparted. Visions animates, inspires, transforms purpose into actions, and Advance the Kingdom of God.

– David Chawngthu

Identities in Christ not position oriented

– Our Identities in Christ gives us Godly boldness and courage from our inner being, which doesn’t come out of any other outward sources or positions we hold on earth.

– When the enemy attack our worth and value in any form of ways, we remind him of our Identities in Christ that we are God’s beloved children.

– Our Identities in Christ are our weapon of warfare to fight against many enemies attack in our life, the Devil is defeated when we proclaim our Identities in Christ. In this world we all face all kinds of things, the enemy is there to attack us in many different forms of ways, spirit of condemnations, spirit of fear, shame, feelings of unvaluable or feeling unworthy, every kinds of lies the enemy attack us with, our Identities in Christ can destroy them, restore them, and can also protect us.

The truth is that, the enemy is not suppose to touch the child of the King in any form of ways.

– Being recognize itself might have no problem, but sometimes there is a possibility that some people can have so much needs of being recognize, which are unnecessary. They need others to recognize that they hold this and that positions, there are possibilities that there’s an Identities in Christ problem, it might not always be Identities in Christ problem either, but there are many great possibilities if that’s their worth and value.

– A need to perform before God and others can be born out of not being build up in our Identities in Christ, especially a need to perform before God. Our love for Him and our passion serve Him, not a need to perform.

– Knowing our Identities in Christ helps us to approach God boldly and with confident, knowing He loves us so much, dearly loved and accepted by Him, it also helps us in our feeling and experiencing His presence.

– Knowing our Identities in Christ prevent us from putting our value on the positions we hold and other things. Holding positions doesn’t make us feel more valuable, and not holding positions doesn’t make us feel less valuable, because we are saturated in our Identities in Christ, precious and valuable, dearly loved by Him.

The positions you hold today are not your value and worth, they are your responsibilities not your Identities, your Identity is in Christ.

– Knowing our Identities in Christ makes us value others.

– David Chawngthu

Leadership: Valuing others

We are imparted wrong leaderships and ungodly leaderships from our parents, guardians, teachers, older friends in schools, and the communities around us.

Therefore it is important for fathers and mothers, parents and guardians, teachers, and leaders to show Godly Authorities to our children and youths, so that we can bring transformations to our communities and to the nations.

We need to know that each and everyone of our children will be a leader to someone even from childhood, therefore it is important to show them Godly Authorities as we relate to them.

Some of our children are in Higher Grades to the younger one’s, some will be teachers in schools, some might be boss at work place, others will be Pastors, Prophets, another will be fathers and mothers, even step fathers and step mothers, another will be leaders in church, communities or organizations, they are all part of leaderships, therefore it is important to show them Godly Leadership and Authorities.

Everyone will be a leader to someone at some point, we need to teach them to have a servant heart, to value others, we also teach them to value others by valuing them.

Valuing others might not always mean that you say “Yes” to everything, sometimes leaders need to say “No”, but that you still value them. Jesus said in Mark 10:43, “Whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant”, if we read this chapter, we can find that this verse is highly related with leadership and authorities. One of the ways we can interpret this verse is that we value others, we value people, and not despise anyone. And in this way we can create a whole new generations of Godly leadership and authorities, you can create a generation of Godly leadership and authorities by valuing others.

Besides all the visions, works and tasks, one of the most important thing for leadership and people in authority figures is to value people, to value others.

- David Chawngthu

Spoudé – “Diligent” (Romans 12:8b)


If it is leadership, with diligence (Spoudé) – Romans 12:8b

Definition of “Spoudé” in different Bible Dictionaries –

Short definition of “Spoudé”: haste, diligence,
(a) speed, haste, (b) diligence, earnestness, enthusiasm. “move quickly, speed on”) – properly, swiftness to show zealous diligence, i.e. one’s “best” (full effort by making haste). diligence, earnestness , effort, hurry. earnestness, diligence: universally, earnestness in accomplishing, promoting, or striving after anything, haste, diligence, forwardness
From speudo; “speed”, i.e. (by implication) despatch, eagerness, earnestness — business, (earnest) care(-fulness), diligence, forwardness, haste.
GREEK speudo

Dictionaries “Diligent”: Marked by persevering, constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything:

Strong – Greek: σπουδή (spoudé) — 12 Occurrences

Mark 6:25 N-GFS
BIB: εὐθὺς μετὰ σπουδῆς πρὸς τὸν
NAS: she came in a hurry to the king
KJV: straightway with haste unto the king,
INT: immediately with haste to the

Luke 1:39 N-GFS
BIB: ὀρεινὴν μετὰ σπουδῆς εἰς πόλιν
NAS: and went in a hurry to the hill country,
KJV: with haste, into
INT: hill country with haste to a town

Romans 12:8 N-DFS
BIB: προϊστάμενος ἐν σπουδῇ ὁ ἐλεῶν
NAS: he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy,
KJV: with diligence; he that sheweth mercy,
INT: takes the lead with earnestness he that shows mercy

Romans 12:11 N-DFS
BIB: τῇ σπουδῇ μὴ ὀκνηροί
NAS: not lagging behind in diligence, fervent
KJV: slothful in business; fervent
INT: in earnestness not lazy

2 Corinthians 7:11 N-AFS
BIB: κατειργάσατο ὑμῖν σπουδήν ἀλλὰ ἀπολογίαν
NAS: what earnestness this
KJV: what carefulness it wrought
INT: it produced in you earnestness but [what] defense

2 Corinthians 7:12 N-AFS
BIB: φανερωθῆναι τὴν σπουδὴν ὑμῶν τὴν
NAS: of the one offended, but that your earnestness on our behalf
KJV: that our care for you
INT: being revealed the earnestness of you which [is]

2 Corinthians 8:7 N-DFS
BIB: καὶ πάσῃ σπουδῇ καὶ τῇ
NAS: and in all earnestness and in the love
KJV: and [in] all diligence, and [in] your
INT: and all earnestness and in the

2 Corinthians 8:8 N-GFS
BIB: τῆς ἑτέρων σπουδῆς καὶ τὸ
NAS: through the earnestness of others
KJV: by occasion of the forwardness of others,
INT: the of others earnestness and the

2 Corinthians 8:16 N-AFS
BIB: τὴν αὐτὴν σπουδὴν ὑπὲρ ὑμῶν
NAS: the same earnestness on your behalf
KJV: the same earnest care into
INT: the same earnestness for you

Hebrews 6:11 N-AFS
BIB: αὐτὴν ἐνδείκνυσθαι σπουδὴν πρὸς τὴν
NAS: the same diligence so
KJV: the same diligence to
INT: same to show earnestness to the

2 Peter 1:5 N-AFS
BIB: τοῦτο δὲ σπουδὴν πᾶσαν παρεισενέγκαντες
NAS: all diligence, in your faith
KJV: giving all diligence, add to
INT: this however earnestness all having brought in besides

Jude 1:3 N-AFS
BIB: Ἀγαπητοί πᾶσαν σπουδὴν ποιούμενος γράφειν
NAS: every effort to write
KJV: all diligence to write
INT: Beloved all earnestness using to write


10 Different Translations of Romans 12:8b

If it is to lead, do it diligently
If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously.
The one who leads, with zeal
He who leads, with diligence
He that ruleth, with carefulness;
He who leads, with diligence
If it is leading, lead enthusiastically.
He that ruleth, with diligence
If it is leadership, lead enthusiastically
He who is in authority should be energetic and alert

15 benefits of the Prophetic

1. Reveals the heart, mind, will and purposes of God,
2. Bring Spiritual Life,
3. Helps in Spiritual Warfare,
4. Releases the Presence of God,
5. Open up Spiritual eyes and ears,
6. Helps in prayers and Intercessions,
7. Releases the Supernatural, signs and wonders,
8. Prophesy future,
9. Can bring confirmations in the plans of God,
10. Bring people closer to God and into the love of God,
11. The prophetic gives us inner strength,
12. Helps people to hear God for themselves,
13. Protect us from religious spirit and legalistic,
14. Helps us see the greatness of God in people,
15. Helps to bring success in our destiny, family, works for God, and for the Advancement of the Kingdom, bring divine directions for our life.

– David Chawngthu

4 Levels of the Prophetic

1. Spirit of prophecy: Where everyone can hear God for themselves, and where everyone can prophesy, especially in the presence of Prophets. We find in the Bible that King Saul prophesied in the presence of Prophet Samuel. (1 Sam 19:24)

2. Gift of prophecy: This is the gift of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:10), it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s their calling, but they have that gift of the Holy Spirit to prophesy, but if it’s the Holy Spirit speaking through them, that’s what important.

3. Prophetic people: This is another high level of the prophetic ministry, even though they are not Prophets.

4. Prophets: This is the Highest level of the prophetic, this is a calling to be a Prophet, it’s the person, the way they were born and created, it’s a life time calling, no retirement, and this is more than just having a gift, this is an Identity, this is who they are,

God also said to Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5)

(Note: Eagle is regarded as representing the Prophetic)
- David Chawngthu


Heb 1:14 says, “Are they (angels) not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?”

God communicate to His people in many different ways including Angels. Angels are one of the ways God speak to His people, we find countless of angelic manifestations in the Bible, we find in the Bible that many times God sent His angels to minister to people in a really important matters.

When Jezebel tried to kill Elijah and Elijah ran for his life, an angel of the Lord appeared to him (1 Kings 19:5-8).
The birth of Jesus Christ was foretold by an angel of the Lord to Mary (Luke 1:29-38).
An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream while he tried to leave Mary the mother of Jesus (Matthew 1:20-21).
When Herod tried to kill the baby King, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream (Matt 2:13)
An angel of the Lord told Joseph in a dream that those who tried to take the child’s life are dead (Matt 2:19-20)

So, angels are one of the ways God speak to His people, and many times they come in really important matters. It is also important to know that when there are angelic manifestations, or when God speak to us through angels, it is more clear than many other ways of hearing God’s voice, it is easy to remember for a long time, and seems more real in our thoughts and hearts.

We know that God can speak to us in many different ways, for example, when God speak to us through impressions, sometimes we do not recognize that God is speaking to us, because it comes in the form of our heart desires, that means God speaking to our heart, putting His heart in our heart, sometimes we don’t know that God is speaking to us even though every voice of the Lord is valuable. Again Still small voice is more clear than impressions where we can communicate with God, but when God sent His angels, it is very clear, it can be remembered for a long time, it can even break our made up stubborn minds in an instant where our friends, family, and others wouldn’t win over us, an angelic manifestations and God speaking to us through angels can win over us, it is a very high level of God speaking to us very clearly, therefore many times God will often use angels to communicate His words in many important matters.

On the other hand it is also important to know that even though God may use angels many times to communicate important matters to His people, God can also use any form of ways to communicate a very important matters, for example God can also use Impressions, songs, friends, and anything else to communicate one of the most important matters of your life, there is no limit where we can put them in a box in the way He communicate to us, when it’s God’s voice they all are important.

Another 2 ways where we can say that angels are greatly involved in our life is when we are in Worship, deeply worshipping God, and in the presence of the Father heart of God to minister to God’s people, to bring healing to people.

If God spoke to Mary the mother of Jesus that she is going to conceive a baby through impressions, still small voice, Prophets, or any other form of ways, it would be hard for the virgin Mary to believe that she is going to conceive a baby, it would be hard for anyone to believe that, we can conclude that the virgin lady Mary would thought it’s just her voice rather than the voice of the Lord, but she could say, “I am the Lord’s servant, may it happen to me according to your word”, it was because God sent an angel to communicate to her. Even though there are many different ways God can speak to Mary, God chose angels to minister to her, therefore God has a purpose for His angels to communicate to His people. And therefore many times God would use angels to communicate some really important matters to His people.

– David Chawngthu

God wants to speak to you regarding your children

God wants to get involve in many areas of our lives, even in what we think are simple things. Sometimes it’s just that we don’t recognize it.

Two Experiences of Hearing God’s voice for example, from the month of April 2015 –

1. After we’ve got a new baby, our 2nd son Rock stayed with his Grand parents and his aunty for a while, after 2 days I don’t feel good, I felt like we need to get him back now, it’s time to get him back for he was only 3yrs old.

So we took him back, that was the Holy Spirit speaking to us that it’s time to get our son Rock back at home.

It was okay for 1 or 2 days, but for more than that we don’t feel good. That was simply God’s voice.

2. Several times our son Rock wants to play games with me, want to watch movie with me, wants me to get interested in what he is interested even while we were busy, So I felt like he need more of my attention as a child, that was simply God speaking to me.

Even though we are not to go by our feelings, many times God will speak to us through our feelings and thoughts.

After feeding back these Hearing God experiences, this verse came to my thought – Ephe 6:4 “Fathers (mothers, guardians), do not anger your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction that comes from the Lord.”

- David Chawngthu

Logos word and Rhema word

(Both means “Words”)

Logos – The written word of God, the Bible
Rhema – The spoken word of God

Logos = written word, usually referring to revelation as found in the Old and New Testaments
Rhēma = spoken word, usually referring to additional revelation that extends beyond the written word of Scripture

Rhema word of God – A Bible verse or story jump up into your thought, and is highlighted in your thought. Sometimes God can take scripture out of context to speak to you, however we still need to know the overall meaning of the scripture, the context.

Rhema Word of God – The characters and natures of God, or “Who God is” is highlighted into your thought

Rhema Word of God – God can speak to you through anything, quotes of people, new revelations, however Rhema will not contradict the written word of God (the Logos), as well as the characters of God and WHO GOD IS. Rhema is said to be the true leading of the Holy Spirit.

Rhema is the word that God gives to your current situation and circumstances, is alive, quickening, specific word to you personally. Rhema might be for your personal life, family, for your church, ministry or for the Kingdom of God, which speaks for your current situations and circumstances, and what you should be doing.

Sometimes Rhema word –

– Tells us how much He loves us, or bringing comfort and healing into our lives through Bible stories or other scriptures and verses, and motivating us.
– Tells us how we must be living,
– Could be the Lord giving direction to us and what we must be doing.

When you were born again, and God speak to your heart about His love, and you received God’s love into your heart, you received the keys of Heaven, you unlock the Kingdom of Heaven on earth for yourself, that’s a Rhema word of the Lord you were receiving.

Examples of Rhema –

1. All things are possible – Mark 9:23
2. Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God – quote by William Carey
3. God’s love is unconditional
4. God will provide
5. Almighty God

You can wait on God to speak to you for your current situation or circumstances, personally, or for your work and ministry. You can wait on God to give you specific Bible verse or words for your current situation or circumstance to direct your path.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Ps 119:105).

That's the Kingdom.

– David Chawngthu

Some similarities between Apostles and Prophets

Signs, Wonders and Miracles:

We know that Jesus work many signs, wonders and miracles on earth. Jesus was a Prophet, Heb 3:1 tells us that He was an Apostle as well.

And 2 Cor 12:12 tells us that – The things that mark true apostles – signs, wonders and miracles.

We find in the Bible that Prophet Elijah and Elisha work signs, wonders and miracles. We also find in the Bible that Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Paul, Peter and all the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ in the Bible all seems to work signs, wonders and miracles.

Imparting Spiritual gifts:

Elders impart Spiritual gifts through prophetic messages and laying on of hands – 1 Tim 4:14

Apostles impart Spiritual gifts – We find Paul the Apostle impart Spiritual gifts by laying his hands.

Paul wrote a letter to the saints in Rome that he long to see them, one of the reason he long to see them was TO IMPART SPIRITUAL GIFTS TO THEM. Paul wrote in Romans 1:11 – “I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong–”

2 Tim 1:6 – Paul wrote to Timothy – “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands”.

Paul in Ephesus: Acts 19:6-7 – When Paul had laid his hands upon them (upon the people of Ephesus), the Holy Spirit came on them, and they began speaking with tongues and prophesying. There were about 12 men in all.


Apostles and Prophets, both are foundational and both are Kingdom builders.

Kingdom of God:

– Prophets shows us the real world, the greater world, the invisible world, there is a earthly realms and the heavenly realms, they reveal the invisible Kingdom of God. Prophets reveal the hearts, mind, will, plans and the purposes of God on earth.

– Apostles bring down heavenly plans of God, download the blueprints of heaven, and they carry the purposes of God on earth.

(The plans, will, and purposes of God can come to either Leaders, Apostles or Prophets – Acts 11:27-30; Hag 1:1-8; Amos 3:8-9; Acts 15 12-22; 30-32; 16:4)


– Apostolic Wisdom
– Prophetic Wisdom

Apostles and Prophets face persecutions:

God in his wisdom said, ‘I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and others they will persecute.’ (Luke 11:49)


– Both wage war for the Kingdom of God

The Bible speak about both, False Prophets, as well as False Apostles.

– David Chawngthu

Soaking in the Spirit

Soaking in the Spirit is like soaking our clothes all wet in waters.

You can lay on your bed, or you sit on your sofa, just close your eyes or with open eyes, that didn’t matter, and feel the presence of God. GOD’S RIGHT THERE! Rest in Him, rest in His presence.

Don’t be hurry, sometimes you can do them for 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 or 2 hours or more, and just feel the presence of God, that’s called SOAKING IN THE SPIRIT. It will refresh you, strengthened you, gives you life, heal you, comfort you, lift you up, gives you joy, draw you close to Him, feel God closer, a better and closer relationship with Himself.

When we Soak in the Spirit, it is good that we keep away every distractions, close doors and put away everything that can distract us. Being in peace like a child, rest in God like an innocent child, and have all the freedom like a child to His Daddy. Sleep on floor, sit on floor, on bed or couch and JUST BEING IN HIS PRESENCE. EVEN REST PHYSICALLY AND WITH FULL REST FEELING HIS PRESENCE – God being with us, His love, His Goodness, and that God Immanuel is with us and So close to us.

Sometimes you can play some songs about His love, His care, What He has done, or about His Goodness, just sit or sleep/ lay and feel His presence.

Sometimes you need to take rest from your works, leave all your works, businesses, burn outs, problem solvings, dealing with people, tiredness, and your daily works, and come before God, take time in His presence, rest in His presence and Soak in the Spirit in His presence and get new strength, new life, rest and a new and deeper relationship with Himself.

May God Bless You,
- David Chawngthu

Receiving from the Prophetic grace - Part 2

Taken from a Bible story:

“Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld/established; have faith/believe in his prophets and you will be prosperous/successful.” – by King Jehoshaphat (2 Chro 20:20)

2 Chronicles 20

The story goes like this, there was a war coming against King Jehoshaphat in Judah and Jerusalem, from the Moabites, Ammonites and some of the Meunites, they came to war against King Jehoshaphat. Now Jehoshaphat is in trouble, he proclaimed fasting prayer for all Judah, the people of Judah came together seeking help from the Lord. And King Jehoshaphat prayed a long prayer at the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem at the temple of the Lord.

King Jehoshaphat prayed, “Lord, the God of our ancestors, are you not the God who is in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. Power and might are in your hand, and no one can withstand you…………..”

After this, the Spirit of the Lord came upon Prophet Jahaziel, Prophet Jahaziel prophesied and gave a prophetic word, an encouraging word, comforting word, a promised from the Lord, and a strategy of how to take actions, how to position themselves in this war.

The word from the Lord, the encouraging words and comforting words from Prophet Jahaziel:

“Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s………..”

The strategic words of the Lord from Prophet Jahaziel:

“Tomorrow march down against them. They will be climbing up by the Pass of Ziz, and you will find them at the end of the gorge in the Desert of Jeruel. You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.”

The Prophetic words of the Lord given to Prophet Jahaziel regarding their future victory:

“Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.”

After this, Jehoshaphat bowed down with his face to the ground, and all the people of Judah and Jerusalem fell down in worship before the Lord. Then some Levites from the Kohathites and Korahites stood up and praised the Lord, the God of Israel, with a very loud voice.

The next morning Jehoshaphat stood and said,

“Listen to me, Judah and people of Jerusalem! Have faith/trust in the Lord your God and you will be upheld/established; have faith/believe in his prophets and you will be prosperous/successful.” So, this were the words of King Jehoshaphat.

What the Lord did?

The Lord set an ambush against their enemies, and when they reached there, only dead bodies lying on the ground were found, they fought nothing, and they won the battle.

God can give prophetic words from anyone or either we can hear directly from God:

Sometimes, some prophetic words may make no sense, they might be something impossible to do, they might be something that looks weird to us, or something we had not tried before. They might be a comforting words, encouraging words to build our faith, they might be strategies for expansions, they might be strategies for multiplications, they might be strategies for taking further steps, for directions, new directions, they might even be new strategies we had not done before or how to take steps, for our missions, works, businesses, ministries or any other kinds of works we may be working.

Important to remember that, in battle plans and making strategies, especially for the strategic plans, Apostles are strategists itself in that case, but it can either come first from the Apostles, Leaders or Prophets, and this time the strategic plans come first from the Prophet.

God wants expansion, God wants multiplication, God wants us to prosper, God wants us to succeed, God wants to bless us in whatever we do or work. As Isaiah 55:9 said, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” And the Prophetic words can come from any believers of Jesus Christ, since in the new testament anyone can hear from God, anyone who is filled with the Holy Spirit can prophesy, it can come from anyone in the Body of Christ, though there are much grace in the presence of the Prophets, prophetic people and prophetic ministries to Hear from God, to prophesy, to be sensitive to God, opening our Spiritual senses, our spiritual ears and eyes, experience GOD, know God better and a closer relationship with God as we have written in our last post on “Receiving from the Prophetic Grace”.

So, this is one good Bible example of how Prophets, prophetic people, prophecies, Hearing the Voice of God, being sensitive to God, listening to the voice of God and the prophetic things can bring success and blessings in our works, ministries, businesses and our missions. And therefore, Prophetic Ministries plays one of a really important part in success, in Advancing the Kingdom, in ministries, works, businesses and missions, they are important for our nations, our lands, organizations, churches and for the Kingdom of God.

– David Chawngthu

Receiving from the Prophetic grace - Part 1

Welcoming the prophetic (How to receive from the Prophetic Ministry?): Experiencing God, Spiritual eyes and ears opened up to hear more from God, Spiritual senses opened up more than before.

Put your trust in the LORD your God and you will stand firm/ be established. Have faith/believe in his prophets and you will be successful/prosperous. 2 Chro 20:20b

According to our experiences and what we have seen – I had been part of Discipleship Training School Courses in past years in YWAM, I’ve been in 6 different “Discipleship Training School” Courses of 5 to 6 months each, with different speakers from around the world. And had been to different Churches in India and outside India, and different other meetings.

So, this is how i understand about welcoming the prophetic – as a teacher or as a prophetic:

If you welcome a Prophet to speak and minister in your church or meetings, it is possible that personally you only receive him as a teacher, then you only receive his teachings in head knowledge, but didn’t prepare your heart or put your heart to experience God and for a better relationship with God.

There’s Great grace to hear God better and experience God and the things of God, even to prophesy for every believers of Jesus Christ in the presence of Prophets and prophetic ministries –

Let’s look at from the life of Saul and his men – 1 Sam 19:18-24

David ran away from Saul and went to Samuel in Ramah, when Saul heard that he sent his men to capture David, but they all ended up prophesying in the presence of Samuel and the Prophets. Saul sent his men 3 different times to capture David, but they all ended up prophesying in that presence of the Prophets. Saul himself went for the 4th, but then he stripped off his robes, and also prophesied in Samuel’s presence and lay that way day and night. Therefore, in the presence of the Prophets and the prophetic, there’s great grace to prophesy for every believers of Jesus Christ, even Saul and his men who went to capture David all ended up prophesying, even Saul stripped off his robes, and lay that way DAY AND NIGHT. And if we study the importance of prophesying and prophecies, there are really great benefits of prophecies.

Paul said, “Follow the way of love and EAGERLY DESIRE gifts of the Spirit, especially that you may prophecy.” (1 Cor 14:1)

When you only desire to know him speak for more knowledge and understanding, you only receive him as a teacher or speaker.

This is an important thing to know because many people love to hear prophetic people teachings and speaking as a speaker and as a teacher, but don’t prepare themselves that their Spiritual eyes and ears would be opened up more than before, hear God’s voice better, they themselves would prophesied better, experience GOD for themselves more under that grace. So that the Prophetic Ministry would flow better, we should receive the Prophetic Ministry, not just teachings and preaching, not just as a teacher or speaker. We need to prepare our hearts and everything in us.

When you welcome the prophetic part of him, you’ve got the desire to experience God with hunger and thirst. For a closer relationship with God, hear God’s voice better, see the invisible Kingdom of God (the unseen realms), experience him in a new fresh way, your Spiritual eyes to be opened up, your Spiritual ears to be open up more than before, more hunger and thirst for more, a desire to know God better, and a desire to have a better relationship with God.

Under the prophetic anointing, all those graces are there, and we need to prepare ourselves, there need to be freedom in the Spirit, to hear God’s voice better than before, to break the religious spirits and legalistic in our churches or meetings, we need to open ourselves, we need to prepare our heart that our Spiritual eyes and ears would open up more than before, we need to prepare ourselves that we would be renewed and experience God in a fresh new way, have a better and closer relationship with God.

15 benefits of the Prophetic Ministries:

1. Reveals the heart, mind, will and purposes of God,

2. Bring Spiritual Life,

3. Helps in Spiritual Warfare,

4. Releases the Presence of God,

5. Open up Spiritual eyes and ears,

6. Helps in prayers and Intercessions,

7. Releases the Supernatural, signs and wonders,

8. Prophesy future,

9. Can bring confirmations in the plans of God,

10. Bring people closer to God and into the love of God,

11. The prophetic gives us inner strength,

12. Helps people to hear God for themselves,

13. Protect us from religious spirit and legalistic,

14. Helps us see the greatness of God in people,

15. Helps to bring success in our destiny, family, works for God, and for the Advancement of the Kingdom, bring divine directions for our life.

– David Chawngthu

Thursday, April 14, 2016

A simple way to start Hearing God

he teaching’s here is a very easy way to start hearing from God, even if you have problem sometimes hearing God, this is very good way to start activating to hear Him speak.

It was around 2007 and 2008, I was appointed to preach in one church on Sunday afternoon in the Salvation Army, it was not our church Aizawl Bazar Corp, it was another church, same city in Aizawl, India, and it was a youth service, I taught on “Hearing God’s Voice”, and then let them do the practical after teaching, I let them go to different corners of the church and told them to listen to His still small voice, after sometimes they all came back, and I asked them if they hear from God, non of them heard anything, I know it was not easy at once and must have probably been the first for most of them, it take some practice.

However it was around the same year around 2007 and 2008, I’ve got a chance to preach in a crusade, they might be around 100 to 200 children, so I used this method of Hearing God’s voice, telling them to write down how they felt God speak to them, everyone were writing down, it was all quite, after sometimes I asked them “Do you enjoy?”, many of them were shouting “Yes”, you can feel the presence of God, and I believe many of them heard God’s voice at that time from the first practical.

Having been in several Discipleship Training Schools, and has trained a numbers of youths, I also came to find that it take time and it take practice to hear God’s still small voice. However, here’s the very simple and easy way you can do every time you got a problem Hearing Him, or you can start with, it helped me many times to be more sensitive to Him. Jesus taught us to receive the Kingdom of Heaven like a little child, therefore here’s a very simple and easy way even children enjoyed in their first practical time.

Here’s the simple way to start Hearing God:

1. Change the proclamation words into Hearing God’s voice and start Hearing from God:

Example: –
Proclamation words – “I am God’s son, He loves me so much, God knew me before I was even born….”
Hearing God’s Voice – “You are my son, I love you so much, I knew you before you were even born….”

This is one of the most simple way to start learning How to Hear God’s Voice for yourself. Do not despise them. Remember that sometimes God might just let you soak in His Love again and again as you hear His Voice.

2. You can start writing “A letter from God”, a letter from God to yourself:

As you continue to write, you will get more and more inspired, God will speak to you.

3. Continue to Hear Him regularly:

You can take time to practice them, write them down. As you do this regularly, you will become more and more fluent.

– David Chawngthu

“Angels after great discouragements”

By the grace of God, I have experienced several different types of angels in my life, here is one of them that I had shared before.

It was 2007, my family were working as a Missionary in the South India, we used to find the street beggars and the poors, some friends used to help us as well, we were few of us, and with several people who support us as well, we used to feed the hungry widows and children beggars, sometimes went out to preach the Gospel.

One evening as I was going out and trying to gather some beggars from the street, a group of non believers chased me with a stick trying to bit me up, and told me to stop what I was doing. As Jesus hid himself when they tried to stone Him in John 8:59, I too ran quickly and hid myself, I told no one except my wife, therefore we can’t continue our works there, they have stopped the Advancement of the Kingdom in that area. So we went back to Aizawl, NE India for a while.

At that moment I was too discouraged, I told to myself, “Even if I am asked to preach in the church I will never preach again”.

But one night two angels came to my dream and told me that the next coming week I was appointed to preach in the church, I already made up my mind not to preach, not to preach anywhere anymore. But those two angels of the Lord told me, “And you must preach”, and then I suddenly woke up, the two angels were right there before me which I saw them with my own physical eyes.

The next day when we went to church they announced that the coming next week I’ve got a preaching time in my church, exactly as the two angels told me the night before in a dream which I also saw them physically they announced the next day in the church.

So, I’ve got to preach in the church again, and that night when I preached there was also miraculous healing taking place while I was preaching, one physical healing, including one emotional healing.

That was amazing, we stop the Kingdom Advancement in that place, we left the place, we were discouraged, fully discouraged, it was a worst moment for us, but then we can call it “Angels after persecutions”, or “Angels after great discouragements”.

– David Chawngthu

8 steps for Hearing God's Voice

This particular “8 Steps” teaching note is from YWAM (Youth with a Mission), this teaching must have been taught and practiced by over lakhs and lakhs of people around the world. I’m giving my own examples for more understandings. These are just to help us in our practice of Hearing God’s voice. We want to add this important and good teaching YWAM got as we Advance the Kingdom of God, anyway these are important things for a lifetime.


I. Clean Heart principle: Make sure your heart is clean before God by giving the Holy Spirit time to convict you about any un-clean heart. See: Psalm 66.18; Hosea 5.4; Ps 51:10; Heb 10:22

Ex: Check your heart before God and make them clean, ask forgiveness if anything unclean and God will forgive any sin, and make sure your heart is right before God.

II. Acknowledge our dependence on the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. Ask God to completely control us by His Spirit. See: Eph 5.18, John 14.16,17, Joh 16.13, Acts 16.6-10.

Ex: Lead me and guide me Lord, I submit my life and this time into your hands

III. Die to our own reasoning, imaginations, desires, and burdens of what you feel you should pray for. See: Prov.3.5-6, Isa 55.8

Ex: If you want to hear what God wants to speak to you, anything he wants to speak to you, wants you to pray about or wants to tell you, you’ve got to silent your own pre-conceived ideas. (NOT TO BE CONFUSED with asking God some questions regarding your desires, your burdens, your situations and so on and then you listen to Him).

IV. Deal aggressively with the enemy. Silence his voice. See: James 4.7, 2 Cor. 10.4,5.

Ex: (3 voices: The voice of God, our own voice and voice of the enemy). I said to the Devil, “You have no authority upon my life, i command you to get lost from me, you have no authority, and I bind every voice of the Devil in the name of JESUS CHRIST.”

V. Ask God for the fear of the Lord Prov 1.7, Hos 5.4

VI. Praise Him by faith for the exciting time He is going to give you. God will do something consistent with His character. See: Num 23.19, Ps. 103.17, Ps. 95.1,2.

VII. Wait before God in silent expectancy. Listen for direction. See: Ps.62.5, Ps 46.10.

Ex: Expect that the Lord will be speaking to you, and wait in silent.

VIII. In faith and obedience, take action on what God brings to your mind, believing He has spoken to you. See: 2 Chron. 20.21-22

Ex: Sometimes when God spoke to us in our thoughts, the Devil would love to say, “That’s just your thought, not God’s voice".


(NOTE: IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Constant practice will help you hear God’s voice more. And as you practice these things in regular, you will be fluent soon on “how to hear”. These steps are just to help us hear God’s voice more easily, it’s good to go step by step in the beginning of practicing, so that we can hear from God more easily, less distracted by the Devil’s voice and our own thoughts.

Even though it's really important to know these steps, but then when you practice in regular everyday for some few days, you no more need to go these steps. They became really simple, because when you wait to hear God’s voice, you just know in your heart that you need to have a clean heart, important to silent your own thoughts, imaginations, your own burdens, and your preconceived ideas, have the fear of the Lord, and wait expecting that God will speak and he does speak, and sometimes believing that he spoke is important).

– David Chawngthu

Hearing God’s Voice – Knowing the Word of God

It is important for us to know the Bible, we need to know what the Bible say, what the Bible provide wisdom for us.

Heb 4:12 – For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

When you know the Bible well, and you’ve got the Holy Spirit living inside of you, it is much easier to hear from God through the Bible verses. In times of troubles, distress, hard times, problems, different situations and any situations good or bad, it is easier for God to inspire us, encourage us, help us, strengthen us, direct us, give us wisdom, and speak to us in our hearts from the Bible verses we have known.

We can just pick up Bible verses in situations, sometimes it could be God as well, but without inspiration of the Holy Spirit it could likely be from our head knowledge, but when we pick up Bible verses in situations inspired by the Holy Spirit, then it became wisdom.

And besides all the other things God spoke to you, it is easier for God to confirm with the Bible verses, with the inspired Bible verses. God never meant to give us the Bible for death, but for life and to speak to us.

2 cor 3:6 – The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

The word of God without the inspiration of the Holy Spirit can bring legalistic, judgmental, and puffed up Head Knowledge, the Bible verse alone can bring legalistic, but when it is inspired by the Holy Spirit, it became the voice of the Lord in our heart, living and active. The Bible verses inspired by the Holy Spirit will make it a revelation and became the Voice of God.

Therefore we need to know the word (The Bible) and love the Holy Spirit God (the Spirit of the Lord), and love inspirations of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.

– David Chawngthu

Many times God may speak simple

Many times God may speak simple, might even be most times, because God wants us to be childlike, for some people when they get too religious it may be more hard to hear God, Hearing God's voice will get you to know God better, and will build your relationship with Himself.

No matter what position we hold, no matter what position or works we might hold or do in this world, God wants us to be childlike as we wait to hear from him in regularity.

Sometimes all that God speak to us might be, “I love you”.. or “I love you my dear child, my son/ daughter”, they seems simple, but as you hear those simple things regularly, you will get to know His voice better, and have more ability to know and hear His voice.

Receiving God’s voice like a childlike will make you hear God’s voice better. God love speaking simple things yet powerful and touching, inspiring, peace giving, encouraging, comforting, strengthening, and that blessed us, He wants us to become like a child and just receive them when He told us “I love you”, we’ve got to say thank you Lord for loving me. simple…..

And you've got to take time thinking (meditating) on what God spoke to you, He will speak to you more in your thoughts. So, you can hear many things what God want to speak to you, you will get to know God more than before, and your relationship with God will grow.

“I KNOW God loves me”, that itself is already a revelation.

You can change the word letting God speak to you, about your own self, “I Love You my dear, with an ever lasting love, i really do, and am proud of you just because you are my child…….”, and God will continue speaking to you, it's amazing and awesome, and this will get you to know God better.

- David Chawngthu

Hearing God and Environment

When you are in an environments where people hear from God in regularity, it is much way easier to hear from God in regularity. You might have practice Hearing the Voice of God in personal or as a group for years, may be 1 yr, 2 yrs, 3 yrs, 5 yrs or even 10 yrs. When you practice regularly, you've got to hear God’s voice more easily and even discern more easily.

But then when you stop practicing to hear from God, or don’t practice regularly, they can become blunt. If you don’t practice for a year, it became a little bit blunt, 3 years will make more blunt, 5 years will really make it blunt, you might need to practice them again from the beginning. But then for those who had practice hearing God’s voice in regularity before, it’s a little bit more easier to catch up again. There might be days we hear more fluent, there might be days we need to take a little bit time, but they are worth it.

No matter what, God love to speak to us, He got many things to share to us His children.

Therefore, as far as possible, it is good to practice them as much regular as possible.

1000’s and 1000’s, 10,000’s of people around the world hear from God in regularity and everyday. Besides their hearing from God everyday, there are specific days and some days where we really really need to hear from God for some specific things and specific situations. Therefore hearing the voice of God is important, practicing them and giving some of our times is important.

Sometimes when you go before God just as you are, before you even spoke a single word, but just quiet, God got words first before you got works, He got many things to say. Sometimes God really got to be talkative. However, to continually grow in hearing the voice of God, it is important to choose the environment, or in another case it is important to associate with people who knows how to hear God's voice and practice Hearing God.

- David Chawngthu

Everyone can hear God

Hearing the Voice of God is not an option for a believer of Jesus Christ to hear for one self. If we look at America, Africa and many places in the world, we can find that there are many training places that taught how to hear the voice of God for themselves and they hear for themselves. It is not just for some Spiritual Giants, Hearing the Voice of God is for every single person who believes in Jesus Christ.

If we also look at YWAM (Youth with a Mission), all people who worked in YWAM all over the world, more than 20,000 servants of God, missionaries and people who worked in training places and in many other works are trained to hear the Voice of God, and are trained to make decision in many cases of their lives and decision making by Hearing the Voice of God. And it is not a new thing for the YWAM’ers to speak about Hearing the Voice of God, it is normal thing to them in their communities and environments of YWAM’ers. In their personal time with the Lord, for friendship with God, for strengthening themselves, and corporate, in worship times, in prayer times, in decision making and many other things, they did many things by hearing the Voice of God. They believe that all believers of Jesus Christ can hear the Voice of God, so it happened as they believe.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me". (John 10:27)

So, it is for all believers of Jesus Christ, and everybody can hear the Voice of God if we take time to listen to His Voice. Take time to listen to His Voice and God will speak to you. If you are a born again believer of Jesus Christ, a born again Christian, then You are qualified to hear the Voice of God – for your life, for friendship with Him. And it is foundational for all believers of Jesus Christ.

David Chawngthu.

Making Decisions through Hearing the Voice of God

1. How we both made decision when we went to Hyderabad:

In 2006, around the month of May/ June, My wife and I have the heart to serve the Lord, but we both believe that it is good for us to get some good training first before we get directly into the Missions. There were numbers of options for us in different trainings, but we both felt to do the training in YWAM (one of Christian Organization). To do trainings or work in YWAM, the first training we all need to do was/ is Discipleship Training School (DTS).

There were numbers of options for the place to do this training in India, many different Cities gave this type of training in India, it was given in Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai and many other places. So, we didn’t know which place would be good for us, and we want to take a step according to the will of God, it was hard for us to make a decision. I told Jenny, “Let’s ask the Lord and hear from Him”. We both separate and went to different corner of our room and wait before the Lord quietly.

Then, after some minutes we came together again, and shared what we have got or what God told us, we both got the same place, “Hyderabad”. Then, we have a conviction in our heart that God wants us to do the training in Hyderabad, the decision was made and we went to Hyderabad.

– David and Jenny

2. Making Decisions when we all had a different good ideas in a team:

In 2008, i was leading a team to Sikkim, we were around 8 members and we were to do some programmes in one field, numbers of people will be there, we were discussing, but it was hard for us to make the decision since most of the ideas that were given out were good, but seems to be lots of diversity in the ways we want, and i was the one to make the last decision. So, I told my friends, let us all be quiet before the Lord and ask the Lord what and how He wants to do in this programme. So, we all get quiet before the Lord to hear from Him, after that we all shared what we felt from the Lord, now we’ve got what the Lord is highlighting for us to do, the decision was much more easier to make and agreeable from each of our view points. Sometimes, when we have got many good ideas from all sides, hearing the voice of God will take us to where the Lord is Highlighting for us to do.

The apostle John wrote about hearing the voice of God and the speech of Jesus Christ written in the Bible John 10:27 – My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

– David Chawngthu.

Importance of Angels the servants of God

Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? (Heb 1:14)

When we heard of angels, many would be shocked or may not know that they are important, or either just end up in amazement, but we need to know that they are ministering spirit sent by God to serve his people. In the bible we find that Angels has helped Peter out of prison, angels appeared to Mary and many other things they did, they have been sent by God from early generations, from the Bible times.

As we know that we are to Worship God alone, not Bible paper or Angel spiritual beings. But, because we love God so much, we also love our brothers and sisters in Christ, we love the church, we love the Body of Christ, we love the Bible and also we love the Supernatural and the angels of the Lord, and we love the lost and all people, because it is the Kingdom of God.

I have had very few encounters with angels, not so much like many people who encounter with angels in regular. But I do not want the Body of Christ to be ignorant or despise encountering with the angels of the Lord, because it is a part of encountering with God and His Kingdom. Angels are servants of God sent by God to serve the people of God, they also are Spiritual beings. There were times 2 angels of the Lord had told me about things to happen in my life in the coming week, which was exactly right and came true, I saw them in my dreams, they spoke to me, and I also saw them with my own physical eyes when I woke up.

Another time I had encounter with angels is with the angels that accompany my wife. We were in Siliguri, India, my wife was spending time with the Lord in a room, I was doing some other things, I’m not sure whether i knew that she spend time with the Lord, when she came out, I sense a strong presence of Angel in my spirit which accompany my wife, my wife do not sense that, but I do sense the angel which accompany her. Probably, the angels must be ministering to her while she didn’t know, to encounter with God in her personal time with the Lord.

Another time of Angels that I encounter is the Angels which brought the Father’s Love and healing. My life was one of a rough journey, I have had faced numbers of things in my life like many people. Yeah, on the other hand, whether we faced situations or we do not faced much, the thing is that we all need to encounter with God Himself, and we all need to encounter with the Father God, we all need to be healed from some inner wounds through encountering with God, since we were born in sin from our mother’s womb, and we need to be saved, also be healed, and the dead parts of our souls and spirit needs to come alive, all human beings are created to be able to easily sense the presence of God, sometimes it’s the inner wounds or other things that stop us to have an encounter with God Himself, so angels help us that we may draw close to God. If we study Biblical Counseling, or read books about inner healing, we will find that every person on earth needs pastoral care and counselings, without them a believer’s life cannot be mature. A believers life cannot be useful as much as it should be without receiving from the 5 fold Ministries, or either ministering in a person’s life, and even in the church and the whole Body of Christ, along with all the 5 fold ministries working together (Apostolic, prophetic, evangelist, pastoral and teachers) and ministering into our lives, we find that in Ephesians 4:11-16. So, each person must receive and welcome especially the 5 fold Ministries in their lives, we need to welcome them, and also all other ministries that works for the Kingdom of God. So, it is God’s desire to heal our inner wounds both through Pastoral care counseling and Prophetic encounters.

In my personal life, I have had several good pastoral counseling by good counselors , men and women of God from different parts of the world, and also several prophetic counseling and encounter which involves hearing God’s voice for counseling. All these things showed that God loves His people and wants to heal them.

Some few years back, when God sent His angels to bring healing to my souls and things I have faced, the Angels of the Lord came with a strong presence of the Father God, they touched my spirit and dealed with my life, operations were going on with my spirit with the Angels of the Lord as the operators, as they touched my spirit and brings revelations of the Father God, they also cancel the past hurts and restore them with the Father’s heart. It were such an awesome moment, they bring healing to all my past wounds. As I praise the Lord, they also praise the Lord, we were worshiping God together.

The other encounter with these same Angels, who were doing operations in my heart and revealing to me about the love of the Father God, and taking me to an encounter with the Father God, these same angels were with me and they were actually before me when I preached on the topic of “The Father Heart of God” in one of the church in Aizawl, Mizoram, India, to minister to people while I preached, they were spreading all around the church to minister and give revelations and bring healing to people before I preached. I sense a strong ministering spirits ready to minister to people that night, ready to reveal the Father God to the hearts and spirits of people. As we have seen in Heb 1:14, Angels are ministering spirits, sometimes physical healing may occur, other times for inner healing and different situations.
The Bible said,
“The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them”. (Psalm 34:7)

In acts 12: 5-10, we find that Angels rescued Peter,

So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.
The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. “Quick, get up!” he said, and the chains fell off Peter’s wrists.
Then the angel said to him, “Put on your clothes and sandals.” And Peter did so. “Wrap your cloak around you and follow me,” the angel told him. Peter followed him out of the prison, but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening; he thought he was seeing a vision. They passed the first and second guards and came to the iron gate leading to the city. It opened for them by itself, and they went through it. When they had walked the length of one street, suddenly the angel left him. (Acts 12:5-10)

So, Angels are ministering spirits who are sent by God to serve His people, sometimes they might bring a miraculous power, deliverance, protection or savings as they did to Peter, other times inner healing and souls, other times physical healing, other times give messages or bring the words of the Lord, sometimes in could just be to show that God is there, all these things reveals God as well. So, they are important for believers in many ways, they are not just some kind of things to end up in amazement, but they came with a Mission, the mission they came for is what’s important to us, as they help us and ministered to us, being sent to us by God, they also revealed the characters and natures of God since they came from Heaven, they have been with God in the presence of God for centuries, so they also knows the characters and natures of God. If God sent them to us, then who are we to ignore them? We are not just to end up in amazement, they came with a Mission and purpose to minister to God’s people, and that is what’s important.

Only that we remember, ‘Jesus Christ is Superior than anything else, Superior than what the Bible write about Him, Superior than the angels (ministering spirits), Superior than all the ministers of God, Superior than anything else, and has ALL Authority in Heaven and on Earth, though that does not mean that we do not need angels, Bible, ministers, preachers and the Supernatural, we do need them, they are used by Jesus Christ Himself to relate to His people and for the advancement of His Kingdom.

“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent (by God) to serve those who will inherit salvation (the people of God)?” (Heb 1:14)

I believe it is also okay to pray, “Lord, sent your Angels”. Lord, Sent your angels. God wants to advance His Kingdom with angels accompanying the people of God, because angels too are servants of God, ministering spirits.

May the Kingdom of God Advance with Heaven’s backup, because it is the Kingdom of God.

- David Chawngthu

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Spiritual Warfare: What is the Blueprint of heaven?

What’s up there in heaven?

As we look up to heaven, “what do we see?” that’s the blueprint of heaven for this earth. The blueprint of heaven is the foundation for this earth –

“Your Kingdom Come, Your will be done, as in heaven so on earth”. (Matt 6:10)

– You look up to heaven, you find that there are no sicknesses in heaven.

– You look up to heaven, you find that it is filled with worshipping God in His presence.

– You look up to heaven, you find that there are no lost souls, all are saved.

– You look up to heaven, you find that there are no pain and sorrows, you find that heaven is full of joy.

– You look up to heaven, you find that there are no persecutions in heaven.

– You look up to heaven, you find that there are no oppressions in heaven.

– You look up to heaven, you find that there are no marriage separations and divorces in heaven.

– You look up to heaven, you find that everyone live in peace and joy, everyone can be who they are, there is no legalistic and traditionalism, they got freedom to be who they are, they are not in tension, they are loved and accepted as they are. (2Cor 3:17 – Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom).

– You look up to heaven, you find that there are no abuses and mistreatments in heaven.

– You look up to heaven, you find that Jesus Christ is Lord over everything in heaven, you find that He is the foundation in Heaven.

– You look up to heaven, you find that there are no orphans in heaven, they got a loving Father who love them so much than anything else.

– You look up to heaven, you find that there are no poor little girl on the streets of heaven, there are no single person without food, there are not a single person who is hungry, there are no single homeless person.

OUR RESPONSIBILITIES AS A BELIEVERS: (As it is in heaven so on earth)

Now our responsibility is to bring that heaven down to earth, our responsibility is to bring that Kingdom of God here on earth. This is called Advancing the Kingdom of God, “Your Kingdom Come, Your will be done, as in heaven so on earth”. Therefore as a believers of Christ, even our message is the Kingdom, we preach and teach about the Kingdom of God here on earth.

Where there are no worship on earth, we are to bring worship. Where there are no presence of God, we are to bring the presence of God. Where there are still lost souls on earth, we are to preach to them about Christ. Wherever there are still oppressions on earth, we are to release the captives free. Where there are pains and sufferings, we are to bring healing. Where there are fatherless and motherless in need of the parent’s love, we are to show them the love of God, the Father’s love here on earth. Wherever the Lordship of Christ are not valued, we are to preach that Jesus Christ is Lord of heaven and earth, which is the foundation for every type of leaderships and authorities on the face of the earth. Where there are in need of teachings about heaven on earth, we are to preach about the Kingdom of God on this earth. Where there are hungry children, we are to give them foods to eat. Where there are naked poverty, we are to cloth them. Where there are homeless, we are to look for shelter for them and help them.

While the Devil work to steal, kill, and destroy everything on this earth, Jesus Christ came to redeem everything on this earth saying, “All Authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me”.

So, these are how the blueprints of heaven are in general.

In another sense, the blueprint of heaven is how God wants to build and establish His Kingdom on this earth, it is also the foundation for this earth.

“Your Kingdom Come, Your will be done, as in heaven so on earth”. (Matt 6:10)

– David Chawngthu

Spiritual Warfare – “Demons are real” – David Chawngthu

Even though by the grace of God, I’ve got several encounters with angels, even seeing them with my own physical eyes, I’ve also encountered countless of warfare in my life and in our works for God.

One incident was while I was 7yrs old, 5 demons physically fought me in my bed, I saw them with my own eyes and they fought me physically, they were around 3.5 fits each, they were all black in colors. At that moment I was too young to know what is fear.

Another incident was in 2005, the first time we ever step out into serving God since 2000, a demon came in front of my face, face to face. At that moment I’ve got a very little knowledge on how to wage war, I quickly covered my face with a thick blanket saying to myself, “I’m already born again, I’m already born again”, even though it was not the way to wage war, that was only self reminder that I was already born again. Anyway it was amazing that I can see through the blanket, I saw the devil clearly with my own physical eyes, it was face to face encounter with that demon.

If you know Prophet John Paul Jackson who died in 18th Feb 2015, he used to see demons in people, sometimes while preaching, he would cast those demons away and the demons would flee away and people would be healed of their sicknesses, that was amazing. You can browse on net and watch those testimonies and experiences of seeing demons, they are interesting.

Therefore demons are real, at the same time the word of God said, “God doesn’t give us the spirit of fear, but of love, of power, and of a sound mind”. (2 Tim 1:7)
How to wage war against the enemy? (Weapons of Warfare)

Among many weapons of warfare, these are 7 powerful ways to wage war, they are weapons of warfare –

1. The Name of Jesus Christ: In those type of situations where the devil encounter you, fought you, or try to bring fear in your life, or any type of warfare, even as we Advance the Kingdom of God (Advancing the Kingdom of God itself is a warfare against hell, and the Greatest warfare of all is the Advancement of the Kingdom of God), the most powerful weapon of warfare is the Name of Jesus Christ. The Name of Jesus Christ is the Highest Name, the most powerful weapon of waging wars, and is the Name that is above every other name. (Phil 2:9)

2. Prayers: In everything with prayer (Phi 4:6)

3. The word of God: The word of God is the sword of the Spirit, it is living, alive, active, and powerful. Revelations from God’s word are powerful.

4. Declarations: Declaring the Lordship of Christ is a great warfare, declaring breakthroughs, declaring victory, declaring freedom. Eg – “I/ We declare breakthrough in Jesus Name in your situations”, “I/ We declare the Lordship of Christ over this land”.

5. Prophesying: Ezekiel prophesied and commanded the dried bones and they came to life.

6. Intercessions: Praying on behalf of others, this can be done on behalf of ministry, church, region, land, or a country. Abraham prayed on behalf of Sodom and Gomorra.

7. Praise and Worship: Praise and Worship are part of warfare, a powerful weapon to wage war. While Paul and Silas were having praise and worship in prison, suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose. (Acts 16:25-26)

– David Chawngthu

8 Signs of Witchcraft spirit

When reading the word “Witchcraft spirit”, we may be curious or attract our attentions, but when it comes to practical, it is easy for many of us to neglect them, so it is important to put them into practice.

As a believers of Christ, whether we want it or not, we are constantly in battle, we all are in warfare, therefore it is important to know our enemies. This time we will be writing about the signs of a witchcraft spirit, the works of a witchcraft spirit.

Some signs and works of a witchcraft spirit –

1. Slavery and mistreatments are part of witchcraft spirit, Abraham Lincoln did a great job on this while he was on this earth.

2. When fathers and mothers control and lock up their children in a bathroom or toilet, or even in a room, this is a witchcraft spirit.

3. When teachers in schools tried to control their children by punishments and abuses, this is unGodly Authority and is a witchcraft spirit.

4. When you receive a prophetic word, and try to control others with that prophetic words and by force, we need to be aware of the witchcraft spirit. At the same time, the Lord may told you to cause the future, or told you to confront, or you believe you need to confront someone. Eg. The Lord told Nathan to confront David, the Lord told Samuel to confront Saul. The Lord may also told you to act to the prophetic words, those type are not what we are saying.

5. Acting rebelliously to the voice of the Lord, especially when God give divine commands, or simply acting rebellion to God’s voice. Eg – Saul was rebellion to the voice of the Lord, to the command the Lord gave him, Samuel said to him, “Rebellion spirit is the same as the spirit of divination”, which is the spirit of witchcraft.
Therefore, rebellion to the voice of the Lord especially when the Lord divinely command us to do something is a spirit of witchcraft.

6. When fathers, mothers, guardians or anyone else thought that they still got their God given authority upon their married children.

7. When elders, fathers, mothers, teachers, pastors, teachers, guardians tried to control the future destiny of their children. Eg – While God has a plan for them to be a business man, trying to make them a Pastor. Or, while God has a plan for them to be a school teacher, forcing them to become a Pastor, or forcing your children what educational lines they must be taking, they all are witchcraft spirit.

We can suggest them but not force them, they need to go their own hearts desire and how they believe God has called them.

8. Any type of controlling others abusively is already a witchcraft spirit. For example – Kidnapping, rape, forcing your childing to marry someone you like not what they like, abusive disciple – abusing in the name of a discipline.

Even Pastors and servants of God do not have any authority to abusively control, if they do, that is a witchcraft spirit.

One of the main works of a witchcraft spirit is controlling, controlling others unnecessarily, or abusively, even their personal life, especially adults, without the Holy Spirit and without the blueprint of heaven, we need to be aware of this witchcraft spirit in this situation.

– David Chawngthu


What does it mean to be first? Let’s look at what does it mean to be first.

It seems great to be first, Bible Dictionary state that “First” means “Proton”, which means First in time, place, order, rank and importance. That sounds great on paper.

Let’s look at what does it really mean to be first, to be first means to be persecuted, to be first means to be misunderstood, to be first means to be mistreated, to be first means to suffer, there are many different other things that it carries to be first, to be first also means that to fight the largest strongholds of the Devil.


There are several things history tells us about people who were the first people, for example, the 12 Apostles and the early Believers of Christ were the first to be persecuted for preaching the Gospel, all the 12 Apostles were persecuted, except for John they all died in Martyr. They were the first people Jesus sent out to preach the Gospel to the nations.

Martin Luther first carry out the truths of “Justification by Faith”, that we are saved by grace and not by works, he was the first to face the persecutions along with those who believe those truths God has revealed from the scripture.
The first people who believe that the Bible is for all people not only for the Priests were greatly misunderstood and persecuted by the religious spirit of those days.

William Booth the founder of the Salvation Army was another, he carried the truths in his heart, for the lost souls, the least and the last, he brought in people from the streets, and the poor people from the streets, the church at that time did not like it, he was the first to face great persecutions along with those other who were first to believe the truths, so they need to have their church service in a hall. They were even mistreated on the streets when they were preaching the Gospel.

In some areas, the first people to preach the Gospel and the first believers are looked down, despised, mistreated, persecuted. Some of them might even be told to leave their villages, others knocked out from their own homes, and another might even be beaten up, and still another might even be killed. And in some other place the first Christians were not allowed to take water from the stream, which was their main source of water for their village, even though after many years of persevering the whole village believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. So, people who were first often face many cruel persecutions, cruel evil mistreatments, and resistance from the enemy, Satan.

The first to work Miraculous healings, miracles, signs and wonders, and other Spiritual gifts can be accused as a demonic works, works of witchcraft, or other ways of being misunderstood.

Satan hates it when his land is invaded, he will use every possible means to fight the Advancement of God’s Kingdom. If we look at different history of people who were first in different things in Advancing God’s Kingdom, even as we have look some of the few history of people who were first, we will find that they often face great hardship, if not at least in the beginning of the years.

So, looking at some few history above, and looking at the things that are still happening around the world today, to be first, people need to have a very high rank that demons recognize it in the Spiritual realms. And to be first is not an easy work, to be first it is a tough work, and to be first is not something really desirable.

- David Chawngthu