Friday, April 15, 2016

8 Signs of Servant Leadership

First of all, Servant Leadership is important for all leaders and believers of Christ. In other words, Servant Leadership could be “Godly Leadership, Godly Authority, or Kingdom Leadership”, for servant leadership is the leadership style of Jesus, and the leadership style for the Kingdom of God.

Jesus said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant”. (Matt 20:25-26)

This 2 verses are highly related with Leadership and Authorities. If you recognize what Jesus said in this verse, “Not so with you”, by which Jesus mean, “That’s not the way to do”, “You must not do it that way, and this is the way to do”. So, if Jesus taught us how to rule, and if we are not to rule as the rulers of the Gentiles do, “What would be a servant ruler?”, we will be writing on that.

Even if we look at the world and history, both Christians and non Christians, those who exercise servant leadership are often called good rulers or great leaders, but those who don’t exercise servant leaderships were often called one of the worst terrible rulers in the world history. Therefore the leadership principles that Jesus taught us is a great principle for leadership and people in authority.

Here are 8 signs of Servant Leadership:

1. Servant leaders doesn’t look for positions and titles: Unless for a purpose, to set things right, to make a Godly Government, to set people free from oppressions, slavery, or other purposes of God, servant leaders are not after titles or positions.

2. Servant leaders are not competitive with others.

3. Servant leaders admit it when they are wrong: Servant leaders don’t need to be always right, they are not perfectionist, they may sometimes even ask forgiveness to you when they are wrong.

4. Servant leaders value others: Servant leaders know that their leadership is to serve others, and their authority to serve others, not to mistreat or oppress people. They will not want to use their authority to oppress people or despise others. They are not the type of people who mock or despise anyone, to what we would call the least and the last.

There are times we need to use our authority strongly to set people free, to give liberty to people, just as Abraham Lincoln did. Abraham Lincoln was one of a good example for servant leadership, he got a desire to set people free who were abused, mistreated, oppressed, and in slavery.

5. Servant leaders are personable and approachable: When you need to talk to them or need to meet them, unless there are other cases, servant leaders are personable and approachable. Generally, most servant leaders you can call them friends.

Jesus said to His disciples, “I no more called you servants, I have called you friends”. (John 15:15)

6. Servant leaders are not legalistic: In the presence of servant leaders you can be who you are, they do not really care about what type of clothes you wear, your earrings, the designings, your hairstyles, and other unnecessary legalistic things. They often will not judge you by mere appearances.

7. Servant leaders are not judgmentals: In the presence of servant leaders, it doesn’t matter what color you are, black, white, brown or red, you can be who you are. It doesn’t matter what degree you have or not have, what positions you hold or not hold, what’s your background, what’s your past, where you came from, rich or poor, what’s your age, young or old,  what you wear, you can freely be who you are, for they are not judgmental.

8. Servant leaders value the Lordship of Christ: Servant leaders highly value the Lordship of Christ, and His will being done on this earth.

– David Chawngthu

Foundation on Leadership and Authorities

The Lordship of Christ is the foundation for all leadership and authorities. There are no other foundations than the Lordship of Christ.

Two types of Authority Offices:

1. There are Authority offices on earth that are not established by God:

Some examples are –

– Human trafficking leadership teams,
– Some cultural systems,
– Some cultural family systems, (Eg. Step parents who thought they got Authority over their step children’s inheritances. Pro 23:10)
– Fathers, mothers, father and mother in laws, that thought they still got God given authority upon their married children,
– President in a Red light Area,
– Many religious offices around the world,
– Leadership offices in gangs,

All these authority offices above are not established by God, usually they are of the devil.

2. There are also Authority offices that are established by God but ruled by evil rulers:

Some examples are –

– Prime Minister of a country,
– President of a country,
– Some adulterous Father or a lost father in a family,
– Ministers of a country,
– Teachers in schools (Teachers in Schools do not have any rights before the Lord to punish their children in any form of ways, God has not given them any single authority to punish children).
– Abusive Fathers and mothers,

The offices may be established by God, but the people in the positions may not necessarily be by God. These offices may be established by God but ruled by evil rulers.

You will find today that many countries around the world are ruled by evil rulers, adulterous fathers, abusive principals and teachers.

Secrets to Apostolic Servanthood:

Apostles are often known for their humbleness. The secret of their humbleness is the Lordship of Christ. Apostles are people who valued the Lordship of Christ, that in turn gives them humbleness in their lives, in the way they treat others, in the way they lead others, and in their authorities.

Some Apostolic Bible verses –

At the name of Jesus every knee in heaven and on earth and under the earth should bow, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Phi 2:11)

Jesus said, “All Authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me”. (Matt 28:18)

Unless you know the Lordship of Christ in your heart, you can’t have humbleness. Humbleness comes from knowing the Lordship of Christ. If you are in leadership or in authority, declare His Lordship, His Sovereignty, His Supremacy in your prayers, personal prayers, in your declarations and proclamations, that will give you Godly humbleness and Godly Authority.

When leaders and people in authority often quote this verse, declaring and proclaiming the Lordship of Christ, bowing down before Him, we can somehow guarantee that they also have a servanthood in their lives.

If you are in leadership or in authority, valuing the Lordship of Christ will give you Godly humbleness, servanthood, Godly Leadership and Godly Authority.

The Lordship of Christ is the Foundation:

Valuing the Lordship of Christ will bring humbleness and Apostolic Servanthood. The Lordship of Christ is the foundation for all Leadership and Authorities.

No matter what type of Leadership or Authority in this world, there is no other foundation than the Lordship of Christ for Leadership and Authority.

No matter what type of Leadership, no matter which country, no matter which part of the world, wherever the Lordship of Christ is not valued, the people will suffer more.

Valuing the Lordship of Christ is essential for all believers of Christ, whether individuals, family, ministries, church, or work place. Christ is the head of all.

The Lordship of Christ is the foundation for all leadership and authorities. There are no other foundations than the Lordship of Christ.

– David Chawngthu

Governmental Anointing

If we read Proverbs chapter 8 in context, we can find that it is Wisdom speaking, verse 12 says “I WISDOM”, therefore it is Wisdom speaking about herself, who she is. So we can put it this way –

“By Wisdom kings reign,
And rulers make laws that are just.
By wisdom princes govern,
And all nobles who rule (all who rule Godly ruling)”,

(Proverbs 8:15-16)

Joseph’s Wisdom and Discernment:

Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has made all this known to you, THERE IS NO ONE SO DISCERNING AND WISE AS YOU. YOU SHALL BE INCHARGE OF MY PALACE, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.”

So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.”

(Gen 41:39-41)

Pharoah noticed the wisdom and discernment of Joseph and put him in charge of the whole country, and all the people to submit to his orders.

King Solomon’s Wisdom and Discernment:

There are some main gifts that the Governmental Anointing carries that we find in the Bible. King Solomon was one of the person that God greatly gave the Governmental anointing, Governmental anointing carries gift of wisdom and discernment.

You have asked for yourself wisdom and knowledge that you may rule My people over whom I have made you king, wisdom and knowledge have been granted to you. (2 Chro 1:11-12)

Behold, I have given you a wise and discerning heart (to govern) (1 Kings 3:12)

Now God gave Solomon wisdom and very great discernment and breadth of mind (1 Kings 4:29)

Solomon spoke 3,000 proverbs, and his songs were 1,005. ( 1 Kings 4:32)

– David Chawngthu

Team Dynamic – 4 stages of team development

This 4 stages are one helpful tools for developing teams. I have taught this in “Discipleship Training School” for around 2 days, while my family were working in one organization, Discipling the nations. So, it’s quiet interesting to know where our teams are, whether we are outreach team, worship team, business team work or other team works, or any other kinds of team works, even useful for marriage life, teams or groups in our relationship stages.

4 Stages of Team Development:

1. Forming (Stage 1): (Don’t start with deep things),

What should we do?
=> Do alot of team buildings, games, fun, picnic, outing together in restaurants, having feast together, knowing each others gifts, talents, spiritual or motivational gifts, favorite colors, share hobbies, have fun and enjoy, etc..

Including goals and expectations as a team.

2. Storming (Stage 2): Now you have become more closer and know each others more clearly. The next stage would be a time of conflicts, where arguments, conflicts, hurts, pains and storms could come out of one another in the team or groups. Sometimes it might take time rubbing one another. Lets put it this way, I think this verse might match this stage 2 in some ways ” An Iron sharpens Iron” Proverbs 27:17.

What should we do?

– Discuss things with openess,
– Confronting one another
– Share to one another with transparency,
– Share risky issues,
– Don’t press down people
– Handle conflict positively
– Consider different options if necessary

3. Norming (Stage 3):

– Ability to discuss issues positively
– Mutual respect, trust and value for each others
– Lots of questions
– Plans, agendas, ways of doing things get better

How should we continue?

– Regular team reviews – feedback, evaluations, etc.
– Encourage openess
– Celebrate success

4. Functioning (Stage 4):

– Problem solving is matured
– Committed

(Note: The 4 stages and many points above are taken from other speakers and teachers).

According to my experiences, I believe the gap between the stages, going from stage 1 to 2, from stage 2 to 3, 3 to 4 and so on could differ depending on different situations, conditions or types of teams. Business workers might differ a bit again since they need to spend much of their times in business works, so is with different types of other works. Some committee teams that met once in a while might take longer than evangelical teams that often met each others and travel together or depending on other different situations, anyway the point here is just to know where the teams are at and developing the team relationship for a better working together.

Sometimes these 4 stages might revolve around (go around again), but usually it might be much better in solving problems cause you have already had a good relationship before, sometimes conflicts can built a better relationship than before. But conflicts are good to be solved as quick as possible, for a small match stick or candle can burn the whole house, learning to confront one another is also important when necessary, with openness, if possible between the two, and sometimes it might take time to discuss things and takes time to go through the processes.

Correct, rebuke and encourage (2 Tim 4:2) , confront one another.

A true relationship does not always mean you all look so good, a true relationship is where you can confront one another, rebuke one another, correct one another, encourage one another, see and speak the good things in others, and enjoy life with one another.

– David Chawngthu

What is Vision?

‘Vision animates, inspires, transforms purpose into action.’ – Warren Bennis

There is a famous quote that says, “Vision is not taught it is captured”, this is because vision is about people, it is capturing the heart of God. If any ministry is build without vision, it will probably be build through someone’s ambitious will rather than by the will of God and for the Advancement of the Kingdom. Even the structures of your ministry will come according to the vision God gave you.

Here are some other definitions and characters of visions we would love to give –

– Vision is seeing the world with the perspective of God,
– Vision is the ability to see the plans and wills of God.
– Vision is capturing the heart of God,
– Vision is Prophetic by nature,
– Vision is Apostolic by nature,
– Vision builds faith, courage, and boldness,
– Vision can take you beyond any challenge,
– Vision can capture the whole of your being,
– Vision is the ability to sacrifice what you would keep for yourself,
– Vision is sacrificial,
– Vision is inspiring and motivating,
– People with movements are people of visions,
– Visions serve the purposes of God,
– Visions with actions are what Advance the Kingdom of God,
– Pioneering leaders are people of visions,
– Vision must be the leading source of any ministry and organizations,
– People with visions build the Kingdom of God,

Mission and Visions:

Missions (Purpose) and Visions are the most important part of any ministry, both Mission and Visions can be imparted, Mission is the highlighted purpose, and there can be several visions in one mission (purpose) especially for visionaries. As Warren Bennis puts it, “Vision animates, inspires, transforms purpose into action”. And visions are what Advance the Kingdom of God.

It is important to work with people of the same Mission, same vision (vision is captured, visions can be imparted), same heart, not with people who would fight over your mission and vision, because vision is the most important thing of any ministry. Vision must be the central point of any Ministry, where all other activities are spread out.

Be careful not to work with people who would often fight over your vision, that person might need to leave your ministry, at the same time vision can be imparted and captured, people can be equipped, vision can be imparted through several ways, through seeing, through revelational preaching and teaching, equipping, practical actions, revelations from God, and Hearing the voice of God. Vision is like a driving force of a ministry and organizations, vision must be the food we eat in a ministry, and everything must revolve around the vision.

Both Mission (Purpose) and vision must be often shared, speak about, preach and teach, talked about, dream about, and be discussed in a ministry. People with vision or visionaries often shared about their visions naturally, it’s the food they eat, they dream, they think, they teach, they preach, they get revelations, their visions are what they speak about even while making friendships; we could say that 90% to 95% are what they speak about, everywhere they go they carry that vision including the mission (purpose) and often speak about them, especially their visions, because God has put them in their hearts. Even the structures of your ministries must come according to your visions God gave you. If a ministry structure is not build upon the revelations from the vision, it will lack it’s vision, and can become a ministry without vision.

Both Mission (purpose) and Visions can be imparted. Visions animates, inspires, transforms purpose into actions, and Advance the Kingdom of God.

– David Chawngthu

Identities in Christ not position oriented

– Our Identities in Christ gives us Godly boldness and courage from our inner being, which doesn’t come out of any other outward sources or positions we hold on earth.

– When the enemy attack our worth and value in any form of ways, we remind him of our Identities in Christ that we are God’s beloved children.

– Our Identities in Christ are our weapon of warfare to fight against many enemies attack in our life, the Devil is defeated when we proclaim our Identities in Christ. In this world we all face all kinds of things, the enemy is there to attack us in many different forms of ways, spirit of condemnations, spirit of fear, shame, feelings of unvaluable or feeling unworthy, every kinds of lies the enemy attack us with, our Identities in Christ can destroy them, restore them, and can also protect us.

The truth is that, the enemy is not suppose to touch the child of the King in any form of ways.

– Being recognize itself might have no problem, but sometimes there is a possibility that some people can have so much needs of being recognize, which are unnecessary. They need others to recognize that they hold this and that positions, there are possibilities that there’s an Identities in Christ problem, it might not always be Identities in Christ problem either, but there are many great possibilities if that’s their worth and value.

– A need to perform before God and others can be born out of not being build up in our Identities in Christ, especially a need to perform before God. Our love for Him and our passion serve Him, not a need to perform.

– Knowing our Identities in Christ helps us to approach God boldly and with confident, knowing He loves us so much, dearly loved and accepted by Him, it also helps us in our feeling and experiencing His presence.

– Knowing our Identities in Christ prevent us from putting our value on the positions we hold and other things. Holding positions doesn’t make us feel more valuable, and not holding positions doesn’t make us feel less valuable, because we are saturated in our Identities in Christ, precious and valuable, dearly loved by Him.

The positions you hold today are not your value and worth, they are your responsibilities not your Identities, your Identity is in Christ.

– Knowing our Identities in Christ makes us value others.

– David Chawngthu

Leadership: Valuing others

We are imparted wrong leaderships and ungodly leaderships from our parents, guardians, teachers, older friends in schools, and the communities around us.

Therefore it is important for fathers and mothers, parents and guardians, teachers, and leaders to show Godly Authorities to our children and youths, so that we can bring transformations to our communities and to the nations.

We need to know that each and everyone of our children will be a leader to someone even from childhood, therefore it is important to show them Godly Authorities as we relate to them.

Some of our children are in Higher Grades to the younger one’s, some will be teachers in schools, some might be boss at work place, others will be Pastors, Prophets, another will be fathers and mothers, even step fathers and step mothers, another will be leaders in church, communities or organizations, they are all part of leaderships, therefore it is important to show them Godly Leadership and Authorities.

Everyone will be a leader to someone at some point, we need to teach them to have a servant heart, to value others, we also teach them to value others by valuing them.

Valuing others might not always mean that you say “Yes” to everything, sometimes leaders need to say “No”, but that you still value them. Jesus said in Mark 10:43, “Whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant”, if we read this chapter, we can find that this verse is highly related with leadership and authorities. One of the ways we can interpret this verse is that we value others, we value people, and not despise anyone. And in this way we can create a whole new generations of Godly leadership and authorities, you can create a generation of Godly leadership and authorities by valuing others.

Besides all the visions, works and tasks, one of the most important thing for leadership and people in authority figures is to value people, to value others.

- David Chawngthu